Former Head Chef at Isabel, Mayfair

Twitter: @ChefMatthewRyle

Masterchef 2018 contestant Matthew Ryle, 24, from Reading went to Theale Green Community School in Reading, and it was there that he first became inspired by food during cookery classes and from cookery shows on TV. Further inspiration came when his Mum took him to a Michelin starred restaurant when he was 14. He then got a weekend job there and surrounded myself with great food. After this he went on to catering college at Bournemouth and Poole, Where he trained under a specialised chef’s scholarship, then afterwards broadened his training at The Dorchester in London.” 

“I entered MasterChef: The Professionals because as a chef it’s something that is always lingering in the back of your mind. It came along at the right time in my career as I was starting feel like I wanted a new challenge, to enjoy the buzz of getting creative, and, fingers crossed getting good feedback!

Matthew impressed the judges to win a place in the semi-final by cooking poulet en vessie. This dish required him to use a bike pump to inflate a pig’s bladder which he then used to cook a chicken breast in. Judge Monica Galletti was clearly impressed and said: “I can’t fault it – I love it.” To get a place in the final he had to cook a main course and dessert in just an hour and 45 minutes –  Marcus Wareing called his pommes boulangère “absolute perfection.” However, he was eliminated from the competition at the final hurdle.

“Getting to the finals is a massive achievement for me, a dream come true! It’s a show that I have followed for years and one where the competition seems to get tougher and tougher, this year is no exception. The competitors are so strong, to still be standing in the final is such an achievement and a great confidence boost.

“The whole experience has been incredible, I think the competition as a whole has been challenging – it’s incredibly hard to keep up with the fast pace whilst working, days off become competition days! Trying to juggle practicing, recipe writing, dish creation and work all at the same time was tough, but very rewarding!”

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